22 Jul Catarina Ganilho
I participated in the 6th edition of Blue Young Talent (BYT) during an atypical period due to the Covid-19 pandemic however, the experience of joining the research group (EDEC) of CIIMAR was still one of the most important and enriching stages of my academic career. BYT has allowed me to contact for the first time with projects related to scientific research and the possibility of working with a team of qualified researchers who shared their knowledge with me and always available to help me. By joining this program, I was able to develop skills to work as a team, as well as the responsibility of individual work by learning new techniques thus overcoming all fears and difficulties and gaining work experience. The internship provided to me by BYT allowed me to do my undergraduate project with the theme “Epigenetic effects of emerging contaminants”. Finally, with my testimony, I intend to encourage all students who are interested in following the research area to enter this program with the certainty that it will be a growth both professionally and personally.
I applied for the master’s degree in Toxicology and Environmental Contamination at the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Porto (ICBAS) and in the future it will be a great opportunity to re-enter the BYT program as a master’s student.